Thursday, February 18, 2010

This and that.


I’m not sure who owns Transpower (is anyone?) but I’m pretty sure this electricity company bears no resemblance to its state owned predcessor. What raises questions in my mind right now is the stand-off with farmers demanding compensation for pylons and power-lines across their properties. 

What was the original agreement with farmers back in the days when all electricity was state-owned?  

Did the farmers embrace these impediments to tractors as fair exchange for roads and power to their isolated farms? 

And if a deal is done now will that be it? Or will the next owner or next generation want another deal? And will the Waitangi Tribunal have to move over to make room for a new transgenerational conflict? 

Och! As Robbie would say:

 “The best laid schemes a mice and men gang aft agley

an lea us nought but grief an pain for promised joy.”


Wouldn't you know it. One hundred and sixty thousand people out of work . Many of them young people, and the head of the employer organisation comes up with a plan: Cut the minimum youth rate. Who said they haven't got hearts?

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